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Chez Bojji holds 'Chef's Playground' interactive cooking class

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Chef's playground

ROCHESTER, Minn. - Aspiring chefs in the Med City headed to local restaurant Chez Bojji today to sharpen up their cooking skills. 

The event is called 'Chef's Playground,’ an all new interactive cooking class with the restaurant's very own Chef Bojii. 

There are three different courses costing 90-dollars each -  where guests are able to fine tune everything from knife skills to  basic cooking and spice knowledge. 

Owner Amber Bojji says this is a fun, laid back event to interact with others.  

“If you want to sit down and just watch and observe, go for it, or if you want to get up and actually get in there with the knife and make whatever we're making on the menu, go for it.” 

Today's menu had an Italian theme. 

Bojji’s hope is people pick up pointers and apply for the 'Chopped' competition in May following the conclusion of the classes. 

“A lot of people forget that your freshness comes from you actually preparing it. You don't get tomato sauce because it's in a jar, you mix it up and you make the sauces,” says Bojji. 

If you missed it, Chef's Playground will be back with two more dates in March and April. You can get tickets here


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