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Mason City moving forward on 'The River II'

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The River apartments and townhomes in Mason City have proved to be the hot place to live.

MASON CITY, Iowa - The River Apartments and Townhomes have proved to be the hot place to live.

Even before they officially opened in the Fall of 2020, there was a nearly full occupancy rate, and there continues to be a long waiting list of those who are wanting to call the development home. Because there's so much demand, another complex is set to go up nearby. 

The River II will feature nearly 100 units, and will be built on a site just to the west of Southbridge along 2nd Street Southwest. The city is partnering with Sioux Falls-based Talon, LLC, who developed the first River development.

City administrator Aaron Burnett believes the new development, along with other projects both proposed and underway in Downtown, is a perfect example of addressing housing needs in the River City.

"Whether it's NIACC or Mercy or any other large employers within the community, they all say when people are recruited into the community, they struggle to find places to land, whether they're either buying a home or getting acclimated into the community. This is a really important first step to make sure we're welcoming people in and that when they are recruited, they can sign on that line and be a part of Mason City.

In addition, the development's location along Willow Creek, which is being redeveloped through the River Walk, is a big draw.

"You also have the trails and so much connectivity that exists in that location that we're continuing to build on with River Walk and further trail development. Seeing that investment by a developer in that area is not really surprising in that it's really catching momentum and develop."

Construction is expected to begin this summer. However, mediation work on the brownfield site the development will reside on needs to be completed first. During this week's city council meeting, Burnett mentioned that a third phase for 'The River' could be in the works.

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