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Olmsted County prepares for next wave of vaccines for kids but will parents want them?

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COVID-19 vaccine for children

Advisers to the FDA have unanimously voted to recommend authorization of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for kids as young as six months.

ROCHESTER, Minn. - Another step in the fight against COVID-19 is here as advisers to the FDA have unanimously voted to recommend authorization of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for kids as young as 6 months.

However, the question remains, will parents want to get their young children vaccinated?

A recent survey found just 18% of parents with children under the age of 5 will vaccinate their kids when shots are authorized. Another 38% plan to wait and see with 27% saying they won't get their child vaccinated, ever.

Olmsted County Public Health says it anticipates having vaccines ready for that age group but staff aren't anticipating a rush to get vaccinated, or a need for mass vaccination clinics, like there have been in the past.

OCPHS Nurse Manager Leah Espinda-Brandt explained, "Looking at some of the recent studies we know about 20-percent of families will say 'Yes, I'm ready to go.' Then another total of 60-percent saying, 'I think I'm going to wait a little bit of time but once I feel comfortable and I have my questions answered I'm going to vaccinate my children."

Pfizer's vaccine is a three dose regimen while Moderna's is a two dose.

The CDC is expected to follow the FDA with a formal recommendation over the weekend. That could mean shot may be available as early as next week.

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