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Housing forum held at Christ United Methodist Church

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ROCHESTER, Minn.-The Muslim Coalition of ISAIAH held a housing forum today at Christ United Methodist Church that focused on the $1 billion housing omnibus bill that Minnesota governor Tim Walz signed into law back in Mid-May. Minnesota State Senators Liz Boldon and Lindsey Port and Minnesota State Representative Mike Howard were there. The three of them worked together to break down some of the basics of the bill, such as how it's meant to prevent family homelessness through emergency rental assistance. During the housing forum, several community members spoke about their struggles with finding stable housing. Some people even asked the state officials how they would deal with criticism of the bill.

“Homeownership and housing is a dignity-it’s a dignified human need, basically, that we all really need to address from a state level to county level and to a city level," Salah Mohamed, one of the organizers of the Muslim Coalition of ISAIAH, said.

ISAIAH will hold listening sessions on housing stability later this year. They will take place at various mosques and churches in Rochester.

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