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Erasing the stigma around mental health

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The Minority Owned Business Network and Sidney Frye hosted the ‘Erase the Stigma: My Community. My Mental Health’ workshop Saturday in honor of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.

ROCHESTER, MN.-- The Minority Owned Business Network and Sidney Frye hosted the ‘Erase the Stigma: My Community. My Mental Health’ workshop Saturday in honor of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. 


Frye is a mental health speaker, and  is the founder of Mindshifts, a nonprofit committed to having conversations that are necessary to bring positive change to the community and culture. 


Saturday’s  event operated as a safe space for attendees to discuss problems with accessing mental health services as a minority, generational trauma, and even talking about how conversations around mental health are often seen as taboo. 


Frye shared how he feels some people can overcome these barriers. 


“Part of erasing the stigma is acknowledging and normalizing that we all have challenges around maintaining out mental well-being.” he said. “I think asking one another that question 'how are you doing' and taking it a step further and inquiring beyond our token responses and really trying to get a sense of how are we doing."


He says, other practical tips for people wanting to improve their mental health is to start journaling, and practicing mindfulness activities such as meditation, walking , and yoga. 

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