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Help wanted to create Zumbro Valley Health Center mural

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ROCHESTER, Minn.-Zumbro Valley Health Center is looking to have a mural created on one of their buildings. This mural would be at their Northgate location. Zumbro Valley Health Center would like the mural to be 150 inches wide and at most 19 inches tall. The center wants imagery that represents hope, positivity, resiliency, wellness, healing, wellness, and trust. The color palette should be soothing to visitors. The mural mustn't include any people, animals, or words. Ana Barnes, the Zumbro Valley Health Center's director of residential treatment services, said that artwork can play a big role in creating a location's atmosphere.

“Different types of art can really elicit and create an environment that individuals may or may not want to be in. We want to create an environment that the individuals that are clients that we serve want to be a part of and want to be in, and we want the art that we select to really be able to display that," Barnes said.

Threshold Arts will help the selected artist create the mural. The chosen applicant will be paid over $12,000 for their work. August 31st is the last day that you can submit an application. You'll need to include a brief bio, some examples of your work, and a sketch and description of your proposed mural. A link to the application can be found here.

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