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RPS says there's no sign student or staff information was compromised by computer incident

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Rochester Public Schools New.jpg

Students will reset their passwords starting on Tuesday.

ROCHESTER, Minn. – After an investigation by forensic computer experts, Rochester Public Schools (RPS) says there is no “evidence that any student data has been accessed and we have no evidence that the affected data pertaining to RPS employees has been used for financial fraud or identity theft.”

On April 6, the school district detected some “irregular activity” in its computer network and shut the system down.  That left Rochester schools without internet access and led to classes being canceled on April 10 as the district and teachers struggled to adjust.

RPS says teachers will be working with students to reset student passwords Tuesday through Friday next week.  If students are absent, school leaders will communicate plans for when students can reset their passwords.  Students do not need to have their devices with them to change their passwords, but middle and high school students will need to know their student ID numbers.  Staff will be calling For RPS Online students to reset passwords.

RPS says students will be able to access their Google suite but note that resetting passwords does not mean students will have immediate access to all of our systems or to the RPS Internet.

“We continue bringing systems back online as quickly and securely as possible,” says the district.

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